Σάββατο 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Together in London

The road roars
The wind paves the park
the patches of grass all surrounded by lives
Legs standing. Parks still.
the tube imminent.
the lives of others unfolding
scattered like pins in the swirl of humanity
of this city, made of roads that would take us to each other, all unknowns to more places to be alone together, between lives we know nothing and, at this very moment, everything about.
Solidarity finds me under the tree feasting on the breaking cars.
the traffic lights that change
The life that passes through me. Like a breeze. My eyes feast.
I hear the carriage coming like the sound of time
And I hold on the rail tight.
And we mind the gap
Between where we are and what is happy
Stand on the right

What have you made of all of us?

Κυριακή 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2016


We are a memory - a past urging to be relived. A ghost -we are- delusional about the realm of its existence.
We are a line of coke.
We are post-modernism. Post-respect.
A limbo,
a pleasurable aesthetic,
an anarchic parade's indifferent revolt.
We are an idea, the idea of disabled happiness,
the idea of futile joy, the absurd.
We my love, with laughter, with sterile devotion
are a theory in vain search of an application.

Τετάρτη 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Σκιές και Άνθρωποι

Μου είπες για τη μητέρα σου που χάθηκε και κοίταξα αλλού και κοίταξα κάτω και σ' ακουγα, μ' από κείνη τη στιγμή δεν έφτανε κανένα απ'τα λόγια σου τ'άλλα για να σε ξέρω.
Ήταν τέτοιο το κενό που μας έδενε που κάθε σου πρόταση ήλπιζα να τελειώσει με το "και έτσι έφυγε" και "ένιωσα μόνος" και "ήμουν τόσων χρονών" και "δεν με ήξερα", και "ίσως δεν με ήξερε ούτε κι εκείνη."
Σε κοιτούσα έτσι που στεκώσουν ολόκληρος στη μέση του δωματίου να μιλάς σαν να μαι δίπλα σου και αναρωτιόμουν από πότε γνωρίζω σκιές και νομίζω πως ξέρω τους ανθρώπους τους ίδιους. Σε άκουγα μέσα στις παύσεις ψάχνοντας να βρώ κάποια οικοιότητα με το μέσα σου το ξένο, σαν να την άξιζα, σαν να τη χρωστούσα
Στις μικρές αποστάσεις του δωματιου με πονούσε πως άντεξε να χωρέσει τόση απουσία. Υπέθεσα έτσι ξεκινούν οι διαδρομές, από μακριά. Κατακάθησε η νύχτα, καθυσηχάστηκα κι εγώ. Ανοιξα βήμα με το φορτίο του αγνωστου, (εσύ μιλούσες), με το φορίο του ξένου περπάτησα που ελπίζει ο δρόμος που τον οδηγεί να τον περάσει για δικό του.

Κάνε με τηλεσκόπιο.

Κάνε με τηλεσκόπιο. Γύρισε με, απο μέσα μου, να δεις το γαλαξία να μοιάζει δίπλα σου.
Αν αυτός ο κόσμος δεν σου φτάνει κανε με τηλεσκόπιο να σου δείξω τους δακτύλιους στους πλανήτες που κρατουν τα μάτια σου.
Είναι ελπίδα, τόση απόσταση που έχουν από το λίγο του εγώ, από το άσχημο του εδώ, αυτού του κόσμου. Το μακρια έχει χώρο να με γεμίσει με αστέρια
Ξέρεις τι κουβαλούν τ'αστέρια;
Γύρισε με, και είναι η φαντασία μου τηλεσκόπιο να σου δώσει το σύμπαν που χρειάζεσαι.

Τρίτη 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2016


Οι αχοί στο ποταμι ακολουθούν τη φωνή των ματιών, των χεριών, το γουδί της σιωπής, στο κουπί της νύχτας, η άλλη όχθη ακίνητη γυμνωμένη, ο λογισμός των πλοίων που περνούν και η νύχτα αλόγιστη, αλώβητο κυνηγιέται στο κύμα το ακουστικό, το φως αμίλητο σε κοιτάζει πως με κοιτάς.

Θέλω να σε ξέρω.

διψασμένο για μια αιχμή φεγγάρι χορευτική όπως ορκίζεσαι
στο μοναστήρι εκείνο της σκέψης
που γνωρίζει το τέλος και σε ζητάει
κι αλλιως


Μικρό μεθυσμένο δωμάτιο, παλμοί οι παγιδευμένοι, ανήσυχη σκόνη, το βιβλιο, λήθη, νιώθει τη μέθη, ένα σεντόνι τυλιγμένο στην ορμή, τα τσαλακώματα των χεριών σου, στο στήθος σου διαβάτης,
πιάσε με.
Άρχισες να μιλάς, γλώσσα που στροβιλίζεται των χειλιών, αδειασμένο μυαλό, στην μέση, από νύχτα, τελειώνει το φώς ανάμεσα μας, το ξέρεις, πρίν το τώρα το νωρίς, επιστροφές των δρόμων, το τέλος, το πρωί.

Παρασκευή 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Ανώτατες Σχολές

Αγαπάω με κάποια ασυνέχεια , με κάποια ασυνέπεια, μέσα από την ανάγκη να κατανοηθώ και να κατανοήσω. Ένα τηλεσκόπιο, ένας φακός με όραση συνεσταλμένη βλέπω την αγάπη μια εκπαίδευση ολοκληρωμένη εαν δίνεσαι. Εαν καταλαβαίνεις. Γι' αυτό σου λέω.
Κι ας φύγεις, κι ας γινει εκείνη η φυγή αλύπητα κι ας μην εισαι ο πρώτος, κι ας είσαι μονάχα ώρες στο ρολόι. Δεν χρειάζονται χρόνια. Στιγμές χρειάζονται και εντυπώσεις. Μάθε μου. 


Απόψε το βράδυ θέλω να θυμηθώ πώς είναι οι ,
πετρόχτιστοι οι κρυμμένοι οι σβηστοί 
οι δρόμοι όταν διπλώνουν,
πώς κατακαίγεται το μυαλό θέλω, στις διασταυρώσεις από τους ανθρώπους,
κι ας τίποτα μην γνωρίζουν για μένα, 
εκεί κατακτούνται οι ιδέες, τα λόγια που έλεγαν οι ανεπαίσθητες κινησεις του στόματος, 
οι βουβές οι κινήσεις του σώματος , θέλω
να δω πως κοιτούν όταν θυμώνεις, όταν γελάς, 
εμένα, τα δάχτυλα πως ακουμπούν το μέτωπο όταν αφήνεις να σε γεμίσει η στιγμή, 
θέλω τις αλήθειες που παρασκευάζεις τόσα χρόνια να προσπαθούν να με γραπώσουν, 
να μάθω πως θ'αλλάξουν τα μάτια σου πάνω μου, πώς θα μεγαλώσει το σώμα μου απ' τη μιλιά σου. 
Θέλω ξανά
σ'ένα παγκάκι χωρίς βροχή 
να υπάρχει για κάποιο βράδυ 
μόνο το θέλω ξενυχτισμένο.

Δευτέρα 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Rickety Press

Rickety press wears wooly clothes and smells of salami.
Rickety press wears dim lights on a Sunday night and sounds like cards raining on the floor, like James Hunt walking in a hospital, like blue eyes.
Rickety press makes the noises Sunday needs to cover the pulling of the tides revealing the shores of the finishing week. And in its withdrawal the dawn of memories that are rising like the yeast that makes the bread of people one carries in his tommorows . And it's only a room. And it’s only a universe. And it doesn’t know me.
And on a Sunday night how soothing that is.

Σάββατο 26 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Note to a humanist

I have tried long and hard to find
the courage of soul required to let you be the
egocentric, seductive, knowledgable fickle coward
you always are unnoticeably, but now knowingly , for the sake of my heart to
find itself next to you. In this quest I have discovered that unambiguously my admiration
for my own self- not for who I am - in many ways not but a woman ordinary
but uncommon in the way that i loved you purely- is of much great lengths than
I expected - I find in the disgust for the thinness, for the calculated fakeness of your enthusiasms
a bitterness unoften, unusual for my skin to assimilate.
I don't know how best to say that
the tragedy, my dear,
is not that I love you
Is that it doesn't matter anymore.

Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2016


The light glides through the stones, a petty white curtain stands between us, creaks of the bed, tidelike movements, cars passing, I hear it, an engine heart, the world that exists the world that is, outside. How does it always play the same worn out song, like a fading memoir, the gramophone of all the streets , of all the souls, an aggregate of humans, that wraps me like a blanket, enters me through the eyes, the toenails, the heart, cracked open, a chestnut. holds me in dispute, on edge unasleep disawaken, permeated. An unrest, an illustrious format of my being. God of Atheists [a prayer] why did you not make our walls thicker, those of our houses, those of our eyelids those of our hearts?
God of all things paper thin, [a plea] to rip easily, to be see-through, to resemble a nothing mascaraded to exist, a carnival of significance. You only left the nights for feeling, cemeteries.
Light pokes, tickles, mocks the absent, the avoiding. Creaks of the bed, creaks of the untruths I refuse to sleep on.
Then light flashes from a phone screen of words, of
It’s almost as if I hear gunshots the night contains, the night smooths, the night opens its hands for another grave, the memory expands, the bed creaks, I am standing and I am walking and I feel I exist even through the night denies me. I hold on to ideas I have carefully chosen myself, savour the self-inflicted illusions. The time accelerates, the hands tighten. I grip, I demand existence from the unconsciousness of a night faking itself. I pretend its pretending. All The Words so antithetical to those ideas I have chosen, they feel crafted, the phone screens give me an anti reality, the reality of the world outside has found its way through the stone. The words look at me, why is it that what chooses what is real is always beyond us? I beg the night to pause, I want to choose what is mine for one last time, then we both look away as I grip you in your sleep. The screens tell me , they don’t allow me to overwrite what is of factual substance without unwriting myself.
In panic, in contempt , in terms with, in compromise, in the middle of graveyards digging the thoughts, the words caressing the ever passing light, the streets, what we were never but were. Existence doesn’t exist! I think, I grip, I know, I hear, I translate I see, I close the eyes,
How many nights will it take to forget that for you,
like a fork,
like a brush,
a hairdryer
irrelevant of my every human soul
like a chair
like a little thing
I was a difficult obedient object.

Πέμπτη 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016


The couple opposite me orders wine they make jokes, the waiter laughs
I get my coffee, how was your day?
My boss asked if I am ill.
The people in the office went for drinks afterwards
This book I am reading I bought
The waiter laughs.
I went for dinner with friends I met at a previous job last night.
Sugar with your latte?
Your rent is late.
And if most words with humans are governed by values that come in bills
don’t wonder with the thirst I come into your arms at night in silence.

Τρίτη 2 Αυγούστου 2016

The Limit of the Supremum

I , sleepwalking across words. 
I, waking up early, 7.20, 9 has the time that cant be lost come yet? 10 - fuck

notes made 
of human mind and paper 
such a frail material to carry the weight of so much future.
sometimes i think it'll rip and all the coffees we'd have together on our coach will drip right through it. 

sometimes i think it'll give me paper cuts deep enough for whole people to fall through them.

I find, in the ends, where pages fold, thoughts find pockets and stay. 
I find I hold dimensions beyond two the paper struggles with,
my words span beyond 210x297mm 

i want a page where i can write fuck all the way across and then 
"i exist for things other than what u left room for me for"

I love the sleepwalking though.
I love the riding of it, 
the hope of it

that’s leading always to those same measurable despairs.

Τετάρτη 8 Ιουνίου 2016


Περώνιαζε το κρύο και βγήκα έξω με τις κάλτσες ν'ανασάνω το χιόνι. Πόσα χριστούγεννα θα περάσουν έτσι καμωμένα; Ανασαίνοντας το χρόνο που περνάει μεσ'απ' τα φώτα του δρόμου τ' αποκαμωμένα. Ξέχασα ν'ακούσω για μια στιγμή τ'αυτοκίνητα και τα σπίτια, το θόρυβο που κάνει η ανθρώπινη παρουσία στο τίποτα μα ανοίγωντας τ' αυτιά μου δεν συνάντησα παρα μόνο σιωπή. Γιατί ειναι σιωπιλή η αγάπη που έρχεται τα χριστούγενα, που ανοίγεται σε τραπέζια, που ξετυλίγεται σε χαρτιά, γιατί είναι αγάπη επιλήσμων. Με το παραχρονισμένο της τίποτα γυρίζει στους δρόμους να με τσακίζει. Έτσι στερεή, αναβάλωντας το τέλος απο εκείνο το αιώνιο και διαρκές που με καταβάλει από χρόνο σε χρόνο προσπαθούσα να θυμηθώ τη φωνή μου όταν είπα το γεια σας το αντίο, το σ'αγαπώ. Μήπως και ακούσω κάπως τη μουσική της ζωής καθώς περνάει απ' το ντεκρεσεντο στο πρίμο φινάλε. Και ζητάει το μυαλό, ζητάει ο νους, ζητάνε τα χέρια, τα χρόνια, τα μαλλία, ζητάνε τα χιόνια του Δεκέμβρη με τα μάτια των φίλων να ξαναπαίξει η μουσική του εντρέ.
Ε λοιπόν δεν το θέλω το εντρε των παιδιών σας, κουράστηκε η μέση μου να υποκρίνεται οτι διψάει για κάτι παραπάνω από ενα χαρτί και το παράθυρο να περνάει η ζωή χωρίς εμένα όπως θέλει , έπεσαν τόσα ξέφτια απ' τα ριμάδια των φιλιών σας που δεν τη θέλω πια τέτοια ενορχήστροση, θα την κρατίσω για τη ζωή των ανθρώπων. Εγώ μονάχα ένα φινάλε θέλω να με χωρέσει, να με βρεί να στέκομαι μουσκεμένος από τον έρωτα της ζωής αγκαλιασμένος στα βιβλία και την ατέρμονη συντροφια των γραμμών, των διαλεγμένων λέξεων, των μορφών που γνωρίζω σύντομα, που αποχεραιτώ συνεχόμενα, που γνωρίζω σκυφτά και διακεκομένα καθώς διαλέγουν κάθε ανομοιομορφία του λόγου.
Αυτά σκεφτόμουν όταν με βρήκε ο ίσκιος στο πεζούλι. Να κάνω σκέψεις καινούριες, να τις γνωρίζω προτότυπες, σαν έρωτας με ενα νεο σώμα να μου έρχονται νωχελικά και αχόρταγα. Έτσι ήξερα πως είχε έρθει η γένεση που ζητούσα, με μανία και μάτια βραχνά, αυτιά μουσκεμένα απ' την ηχώ της περπάτησα την πόρτα αναζητώντας τη θαλπωρή του χαρτιού.

Τρίτη 7 Ιουνίου 2016


The more I want to talk to you and I don't the more I write.
In the end, in my attempt to forget you I might end up writing you into being
the very root of my existence.

Don't write poems about me

I really think I could ever trust a man who would write poems about me. As if writing poems carries with its grandness an element of imminent disloyalty that is only disclosed to the one who writes himself. Is it that inspiration is unfaithful or that it is self loving? Or is it simply me who cannot stand the clarity and immediacy of my own reflection in the words of others, a tremble of they coming at me like a crystal jar over a kitchen fly.

In these words alone, one can see how love is born on the contrapositives.
I hate for what is.
I love for what is not.

There's also something else that would bother me though. His writing about me can't be but the result of an indeliberate attempt to find, an outcome of an inveterate search in the everything that exists and disappears in the presences of people in all the noises and unclarities, the surrealisms of any given togetherness. In search emerges the poet's condition, the decomposition of constructible realities, a licence to aberrate that defines what is created from the leftovers of what is.

This precise restlessness about the state of affairs is what would drive me mad. For I can't believe my soul was fabricated to withstand being the object of that much searching.

Πέμπτη 26 Μαΐου 2016

The Many Methods of Moments

Clothes stacked like book pages obedient commanded coats hanging
in silent anticipation, the things you said silent uncomfortable soft
imperative the books in the closet implausible awaiting
all that there is and is not,

the sounds of the creaking desk chair when i sat by it
working so late,
hours, amounts and absolutes, I didn't know you existed,
this is how you understand a person.
wondering what's understanding for.

your hand reaching out for me in your sleep
its fingers warm its palm climbing over your waist to find me;
habits of
your body
all creating of love's concavity
thinking it all
so real
and then again
so ready to drift
back to sleep.

Bom dia vida

bom dia minha vida,
hoje posso imaginar tudo como um deus não intervencionista,
uma felicidade mortal que adora dormir cedo,
que tem dedos fortes e palavras tranquilizadoras,
que mora nas coisas pequenas que me transportam da pessoa que era ontem a uma outra.
Hoje sinto que entre os meus sorrisos e lágrimas, posso adorar-te com todas as tuas falhas e isso faz-me rica dentro da pobreza da minha certeza.
Bom dia vida
de hoje em diante o meu desassossego aguentará
a beleza de toda a tua solidão.

Κυριακή 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Odysseas receives a text

When you are away and I need you
when I really need you
all the screens mock me.

when you are away
the only way to talk to you is memory.

"are you there when you are not there?"

trying to find a memory as convincing as your absence is trying to remember something enough to implicate the same completeness as the physical presence of you.

Like imagining of that "yes" (that you are).

when you are away I find you in the memory of my body being squeezed in your two palms on my waist in how they fit below my chest like my book in that leather cover, that speaks of you in the way it feels soft and important.

when you are away
you have the skin of words and the eyes of smiles I remember.

"There are fireplaces for clumsy people you know.Yes. They are called central heating"
the shape of that very real laughter
jumping out of a fictional you.

when you are away the reality of the things we say to each other becomes loud and aggressive
becomes sleep and tea and drinks with friends
becomes a void with its own language that knows no words
but for the thirsty despair of my every inch that you be back.

Παρασκευή 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Because an attractive woman is always worth sleeping with

You can't blame him for trying.
Of course you can't. My apologies
I hadn't realised my face and my ass are
worth more
than my friendship, 
a feature of me that I have actually chosen
and that lives in my mind, 
a lesser part of the human body as it can't be slapped in public
as no man can be made to feel special for being 
chosen to enter it.

How could you have been so oblivious. 
And my apologies for not having changed for you, for not having tailored my way of 
to show I understand that that's the only thing you see.
Because I'm naive you see.

Because even when it's not,
an attractive woman is still worth more sleeping with.

Foreign Languages

Can we speak in eyes?
It'd be easier for me to speak.
Can I reply in laughter and shower steam?

Speak to me in hugs.
Then everything not understood will turn into intimacy and drip over me.

Hear me in silences.
Because the words are for everyone and you are the no one else that my mind is filled with.

Carry me in kisses.
Only the sliding of that slightly thicker bottom lip of yours on my hip can hold the weight of the million things you do to my mind.

"Foreign Languages" earned an honorary mention at the Sentinel Literary Quarterly Poetry Competition (February 2016): http://sentinelquarterly.com/2016/04/foreign-languages-a-poem-by-christina-varvara-palmou/

Línguas Estrangeiras

Podemos falar com os olhos?
Seria mais fácil para mim falar
Posso responder com riso e vapor do banho?

Fala-me com abraços
Depois todo o não-entendido transformar-se-á
em intimidade e gotejará sobre mim.

Ouve-me com silêncios
Porque as palavras são para todos e tu és
o mais ninguém de que a minha mente está cheia

Leva-me com beijos
só o deslizar do teu lábio inferior na minha anca pode suportar o peso das milhentas coisas que fazes à minha cabeça.


Ξένες γλώσσες

Αν μιλούσαμε με τα μάτια
Θα ήταν πιο εύκολο να σου μιλήσω
Θα σου απαντούσα με χαμόγελα και ατμό που βγαίνει απ' το μπάνιο.

Μίλησε μου σε αγκαλιές,
Ετσι όλα όσα δεν καταλαβαίνονται θα γίνονται οικία
και θα κυλίσουν να με αγκαλιάσουν.

Ακουσέ με στις σιωπές,
Γιατί οι λέξεις είναι για όλους
και εσύ είσαι ο κανείς άλλος που κρατάει τη σκέψη μου.

Κράτησε με με φιλιά,
Μονο το πέρασμα των χιλιών σου στο σώμα μου μπορεί να σηκώσει
τα χίλια εκείνα που κάνεις στο μυαλό μου.

Τετάρτη 24 Φεβρουαρίου 2016


My thesis is a kite that waits for the wind to fly while I am a short man standing in the valley of surrounded mountains on a quiet midday in July.

My thesis is a coffee drunk before I go to sleep in that I never drink coffee before I go to sleep but if I did it would keep me awake till two, full of exhausted inspiration.

And my thesis is this boy that keeps on asking you to go out so you always have to find something else to do instead. Only my thesis is that boy when that boy is friends with my friends who say I should give him a chance so we go on awkward ice-cream dates every Thursday.

My thesis is like Kesha's producer.

No matter how much abuse I get we have £24,000 worth of tuition fees binding us together.

My thesis is like beer because the idea of it seemed amazing but now it makes me fat.
Or like rum because sometimes it makes my friends intolerable when everyone's drunk on it.
And like monopoly where you start off for a hotel in Paris and end up wishing you'll get to build anything at all.

My thesis is Curt Cobain's girlfriend. He says "come as you are" and she says "something's in the way". He says "nevermind - polly " . She yells "where did you sleep last night" eventually I am sure she pushes him on drugs.

And my thesis is a literary inspiration. Proust must have had to write one when he wrote "in search of lost time".

It is what Cameron must have been going through when he fucked that pig.

which is why my thesis is a conservative. The only way it could be so confused about how austerity on my time and thoughts is actually not growth and personal development.

In rebellion
This is the Jeremy Corbyn of poems,
a cornerstone for what I d like to call the Procrastinasionism manifesto.


Sometimes my soul shouts I'm a poet so loud
I'm afraid my skin will rip and something
real will grow out of its shredded dead body. 

Σάββατο 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2016


You asked why? Why did she need to know
I think. I think of me as her. I think of me as you.
I think of the weight of a million tons of steel pressing against my whole existence and the hole in my chest resisting the weight like an unbreakable chest of hearts.
Am I proud.
So me as her. Me as me. Which one kills me the most. When will that part constantly dying
die out completely.
Then maybe communicating will become that simple exchange of words that is for the happy people.
As the hole is resisting your eyes look down and out and then me with an expression that as far as my dictionary is concerned stands confused. A man that is guilty yet innocent by conviction.
How do I explain this to you. How do I say I could be her without admitting my leaving.
I can't admit what admitting would be the breaking of me and the man of conviction.
Then the hands. The lesser hands. The more important. I am not her. But my mind wont stop.
I have too much imagination for an alive being. 
"My suffering comes from my sole ability to suffer."
My dear sir, you are one of the many and I am the only one of my species. It would take a lot of fascination for my species for you to be there. But you are a man of the men. My lack of trust in your species comes from the unfascinated existences you carry inside you, what I call the anti-life of happiness, a summer cabin to rest forever.  I stay for
there is left no home for the solitary but that of confusion. Be it in you. Be it in me. Be it in her. The realisation of this entrapment makes me freer. That is what a free man seeks to relieve him from the pain of his vainness, some undeniable dissociation from the illusion of choice. Choice carries us like a wave on the palette of the sea, a freedom soothing for the soulful man until the wave crushes inevitably on the shore. And then comes the wish of having been a fish thoughtless and unhuman. In that thought so natural I find that
There is no happiness but that of moderation. Moderate thoughts, moderate lives, moderate emotions blackberries, porridge, cheap beer, chives, early nights. I leave you to contemplate the leaving or the staying. And by that I mean the numbness.
It's the numbness I need to contemplate. That lesser required. Then I cry.
I suddenly want to leave the examined life to those men without homes in the wasteland of anti-thoughts and immigrate to the nothingness of a life unexamined. 

What all the men must have said

You are very beautiful.
You are very beautiful when
you cry.
When you cry you are
my beautiful.
Because I feel the power
I have over you.
And only then
Only then
Only when I see you
on the cross
eyes all red
hands all bleeding
your love out
the one you have
and the one you could have had
Only then
I love you.


Ακαταλυψία είναι εκείνη η μοναξιά που με κυνηγάει η αφόρητη
όταν ειμαι μαζί σου
με ποιάνει απ' τα μαλλιά σαν μάνα που μέ πιασε στο πεζούλι να κρυφοκοιτάω το λάθος
και με φερε μέσα να σκεφτώ παιδικά τη ζωή την αγύριστη
μήπως και συλογιστό το βήμα μου το ακαταλαβίστικο
απ' την αρχή του.
Παραμένει άπλαστο και κάθομαι με μάτια σπασμένα και χέρια άχρηστα
να μην φτάνουν ν'αγκίξουν εκείνο το πορτοκάλι σκιστό να ξεχύσουν την ελευθερία από μεσα του
μήτε ν'αρπάξουν εσένα αυτό που με σκοτώνει
να το χωρίσουν στα δυο.
Εκείνη η μοναξιά φταίει για τα πάντα η ανελέυτη
που έρχεται να με φτάσει όταν ανεβαίνω την ευτυχία να με ρωτήσει
που πηγαίνω ανήξερη να ρωτήσω κι εγώ τον εαυτό μου το χαμένο.
όσο δεν την καταλαβαίνω την κουβαλάω μαζί μου
κοντοστέκομαι να ρωτήσω τι θα με σκοτώσει πρώτο
η πάυση
η ανάβαση
ή η προσευχη.

Δευτέρα 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2016


Is a thought.
the unsupported weight of a self
A house of strangers.Is sharing the silence 
Is craving.Is realising.
Is the Again
the inability to exist but as a solitary unit.
Defiance to my every compulsion
Is carbon monoxide thoughts that you breath and leave you alive.
Is finding you in the verses of my poems.
Not knowing.
Your making love. 
Eyes. The eyes of all the men I've loved in yours.
Is nightmares you brought me and felt true.
Is reading not surprising me anymore
A phonecall.
Trying to fit into the language of your love.
Would it hurt?
Is inadequacy.
What you get when you stop before it happens.
Maybe no eyes of people like mine.
Oscillations of love 
delusions oscillating.
A picture I was happy in.
no paper to write.
Sitting up to go home after.
The walk back.
The drifting asleep like a numbing muffling sound of the world fading into the morning.

Maybe you need to be a poem

You say you don't understand poetry.

Maybe you need to be a poem to understand one.
Feel like a pile of words with no obvious pre-existing purpose
than that
in my head they make a universe.