Κυριακή 26 Ιουλίου 2015


Have you ever crushed the fingers of a child
with the heel of your shoe
forced the weight of your body on them
Hear them break under his tears?
hear the symphony of screams?
Has power ever done that to you?
Has power ever made you do it?

It's ok
Du musstest
It happens sometimes
You have to
it is necessary
the kid wronged you
Repeat it again
Then the cracks of the fingers fall into this majestic harmony
Greatness feels that way sometimes:
It is an intrinsic part of helping others
It is a Necessity
that's it.

For one to watch the eyes change from pain

How about thousands of people?
Did you ever have to?
Their dreams and aspirations
An unbearable weight to drag
It creates sounds that weight
As you crack the fingers
The sweeping sound of shoes as they tip off balconies
The silence after a gunshot of freedom
The noise of skin as needles of joy get pushed under it
The loud stomach of children
The loud eyes of children
The sound of chalk as it glides on the empty board

The figures are rising together
All a parody of capitalism

And you who is so good with numbers
And you who is so good with surpluses
And you who is so good with capitalism
Tell me

How much does dignity cost?


How much for a pair of eyes?
How much did you sell them off for?
How much was it until you had to?
Until "I needed it"

Costify me
Crucify me

For I ll become a martyr
For I ll defuse myself in the water that you drink
For I ll colour myself blue and white in the colour of a coffin
And I ll put my words in it, all the weightless soundless words
For I lie the weight of a nation on your shoulders
For I raise myself to the size of humility
While you become another inkblot "salute"
In the shames of history

Κυριακή 19 Ιουλίου 2015

The Winners train

Where is this train taking me?
I closed my eyes to drift to sleep
Some passengers advised me that
For numbness they said
Their pains must have been petiter than mine
Because mine were unnumbable as I closed my eyes
My fear fed them larger and I only woke up in the darkness wondering

Where is this train taking me?
I felt thirsty and there was this fear of urgency in me that I might die in this very moment as stranger among strangers
Searched for the windows

The night sky is always beautiful, it lay outside the bounds of the small carriage
And I was only a little man
To stop it
Only a little man

I was about to start worrying again but I quickly became busy with all
those little things that make life’s mountain
Things that bite away those ticks and the tocks and finds you the night you are a sleeper
A dreamer?

So I became busy with them all.
What was the time?
Are my friends… on board, my mother’s smell and my father’s eyes
My life who betrayed me through the people I chose
And the office
That blind jail of a chair that I volunteered myself into
Into this life I think
To get me where I am.
Where am I?

I am knowhere. In a state of perpetual motion one can only have velocity and direction.
things rather hard to make out with all those other questions about what was that answer Cameron gave 3 weeks ago that I was unsure about and did the woman I call “true love” really ever loved me?

The valleys grew and as those little thoughts of a little man kept me busy I thought of the news. What was on it yesterday? I grew anxious.
Like an impatient passenger in the slowest train on earth.
I live in this constant state of urgency
It must be this ride
I am running a marathon every second of my life, and even though the thought of living another second like this feels unbearable I can’t imagine what I would be if I gave up. Who would I be like?

I look outside.
All these things that I have missed. Bloody train.

the question grew silent.

I thought about those days at uni. I wish I was a better man. I could have always given more but something always stopped me.
Getting to the top is never easy is it? What a smile.
What a proud smile that is.
A little boy woke up next to me as the ticket man’s silluete approached.
“I am sorry sir but…

where are we going?”

Oh this is the “winner’s train” my friend. 
said the ticket man.

Then he came up close and threatened. Are you on board with us sir?
Because if not…

we approached the night valleys and the singing oaks
the silence whispered through the creaks of the windows

Are you on board with us sir?

I searched my pockets

I gave him every penny I had
In exchange for a ticket
for one expensive ticket.

For the “winner’s train”